Dear Neriah, have I told you what a joy you are?
When you were born you hardly cried,
You drunk lots of milk and took lots of naps.
Dear Neriah, have I told you what a joy you are?
You hiccupped three times a day, Mummy and Daddy tried all they could to settle you again.
Dear Neriah, have I told you what a joy you are?
When you first smiled your face shone so bright, everyone you met felt so warm and fuzzy inside.
Dear Neriah, have I told you what a joy you are?
The bigger you grew the louder you became,
You made so much noise that Mummy could hardly hear anyone on the phone.
Dear Neriah, have I told you what a joy you are?
Now that you’re bigger you smile and wave every time you meet a new friend,
You love seeing new faces and love to play.
Dear Neriah, have I told you what a joy you are?
Watching you grow has made me so proud,
You eat all your solids and drink all your milk.
Dear Neriah, have I told you what a joy you are?
Now that you’re crawling, I spend most days running after you,
No matter the day, no matter the weather,
I’ll always tell you what a joy you are.